sitting on the city

mixed media

東京の虎ノ門・西新橋地域が、明治から昭和にかけて日本屈指の洋家具の生産地だった歴史に着目し、そこから街とアートの新しい関わり方を探るプロジェクト「森ビル・森美術館 まちと美術館のプログラム」のために制作・ワークショップを実施しました。

Since January 2018, we have started a research project on those related to the Toranomon/Nishi-Shimbashi neighborhood. Based on the research now, planning of some workshops, talks, tours, and exhibitions has been underway, and they are collectively themed “THE FURNITURE.” Centered around western-style furniture that the area has been well known for the production of, the series of these events aims to propose new way of art’s engagement in community.

​© 2009 Yui Usui