playing in a quiet room

mixed media

小学校の頃、避難訓練というものがありました。 地震や火事が起こって校内にベルが鳴り響くと、防災ずきんをかぶって校庭までぞろぞろとみんなで歩いてゆくのです。もちろん、仮想の地震であり火事であって、実際に校舎が揺れたり燃えたりする訳ではありません。

When I was an elementary school student, I sometimes participated in disaster drills. The wail of siren to warn us of the occurrence of an earthquake or a fire sounds throughout the school, when we must escape from our classrooms into the playground. It is simulative, of course, and nothing disastrous happens.
I would often wonder why this must be imposed on us and feel a bit bored, but at the same time I thought our daily lives might be very fragile and could be broken to ashes in a moment. Based on such experiences, I asked myself what I could make in an imaginary music room in such a difficult situation as is still in ruins after everything around us stops working.

​© 2009 Yui Usui