after the party

mixed media

ある時、それまで「クリスマスの後」という光景に出くわしたことが無い、ということに気づきました。 12月25日が終わるとすぐに、まるでそれらが残っていることが犯罪でもあるかのごとく、サンタやツリーは片付けられて、年末年始というイベントが始まってしまうからです。

I once happened to realize that I’d never seen Christmas ornaments left after Christmas parties. . This is because, as soon as Christmas events finishes, things about Christmas and Santa Clause are cleared up as if they were the obstacles to the following countdown events or New Year ones.
To realize this unseen scenes, I made some articles of works which could let us bask in the afterglow of Christmas parties and I hoped these pieces would help us think about the small-looking situation after Christmas parties.

​© 2009 Yui Usui